Sharp DMS

Consent Management

Ever since GDPR was introduced in 2018, websites are now required to get their users consent before collecting or using personal data.

Within the GDPR framework it states that consent must be unambiguous and given freely. This means that when selecting or designing a cookie consent banner, it must meet a certain standard in order for it to constitute as ‘valid consent’.

Our consent management solution solves that problem helping you to effortlessly stay within the law.

We can guarantee you not only meet GDPR requirements, but also build user’s trust by being fully transparent with the use of their data. (Harvard study: Transparency increases time spent on sites by 34%)

With no coding or complex and buggy integrations required, simply place our tracking code into your website (a 2-minute process) and begin collecting consents.

Consent management pop-up interface where you can change your consent preferences individually


Cartoon of tiny people protecting business data and legal information to stay within GDPR laws.

Historic Consent Storage

All user consents are logged, which includes when and what each visitor has consented to; you can easily view all historic consent records for when you get a subject access request (SAR).
Laptop showing a screenshot of Sharp DMS' historic consent storage saved from users consent choices

Subject Access Requests

Cartoon of a business owner responding to a subject access request pointing to a phone with personal data and consent collected according to GDPR laws

A subject access request is when a visitor requests to be sent some or all of the personal data that you have collected on them.

The user can request anything from:

The request could be made through email, social media, or any communication method; however, you must then deliver the requested personal information to them within a month.

This can be a major issue for some companies as their data is unorganized and scattered across systems, however Sharp DMS consent management solution makes it easy to deal with so you can get back to more important work.

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